Palazzo Te
There is a specialist library of art publications on the second floor, next to the Acerbi Collection.
Opening time:
Monday 9.00-13.00 14.30-17.30
Wednesday 9.00-13.00
Friday 9.00-13.00
For informations:
Monica Benini
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daniela Saccenti
T. +39 0376 338457
The books are ordered according to the following main topics: sales catalogues, auctions; critical studies of the varying art forms; history of art; town and landscape planning; architecture; plastic arts; painting; drawing, decorative arts, graphics, prints and engravings; photography, music, recreational and performance arts;
archaeology; Ancient Egypt; Mesopotamia; artists; museums and collections; museology; learning; exhibitions; conservation and restoration; periodicals; graduation theses.
The general section contains 4172 texts, the local section 953 and the museum section 194.
Online research can be carried out via the OPAC catalogue at the Pubblic Library of Mantova.
All publications are available for consultation and the library offers an interlibrary loan service on request.