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Schermata 2022 04 27 alle 11.52.11
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New LED lights - Secret garden apartment (loggia)
New LED lights - Secret garden apartment (courtyard)
New LED lights - Secret garden apartment (courtyard)
New LED lights - Secret garden apartment (entrance of the cave)
New LED lights - Secret garden apartment (cave)
New LED lights - Esedra and the Secret Garden Apartment

The commitment to improving and valuing Palazzo Te was given an extra boost by the arrival of the new iGuzzini LED lighting system in the rooms and in the splendid Apartment of the Secret garden, inaugurated on 28 March 2013.
Lighting is a strategic part of the project to enhance and improve historic buildings.
And today the latest generation LED technology offers optimal solutions to ensure proper conservation and enjoyment of the decoration and to enhance the relationship between the art work and the light.
For this, Palazzo Te, thanks to the financial support of the Lombardy Region and the work of architect Roberto Soggia, has adopted a new, modern LED lighting system to replace the previous halogen and incandescent lighting.

Now all the beauty and the expressive power of the lines and colours of Giulio Romano are once again fully delineated.
Specially conceived use of new lighting technology, the elegant and precious decorations, wall paintings, stucco, and the painted and gilded ceilings of the Giulio Romano villa seem to have been awakened by a new light that gives all the details a surprising visual definition that for the first time reveals the artist's iridescent palette.
The paint pigment is also better conserved since LED lighting generates a low emission of infrared rays, which cause an increase in temperature, and it does not emit any colour-changing ultraviolet rays.
Added to this is the fact that the lighting system is also eco-friendly because of its low consumption and energy saving features, which also ensure marked reductions in operating costs.

For all these reasons we believe that the new lighting system is a model of virtue within the context of public management of the cultural heritage as it combines enhancement of the historic and artistic heritage while at the same time saving energy.

From the point of view of the museum,  the lighting chosen for Palazzo Te is the "Cestello da terra" multifunctional system integrated  for lighting and safety, by  iGuzzini.

Stefano Benetti - Director Civic Museums, 26 aprile 2014

Hall of the Horses and Chambers of the Sun and the Moon, before and after the new lighting system

Hall of the Horses - before
Hall of the Horses - after
Hall of the Horses - before
Hall of the Horses - after
Chambers of the Sun and the Moon - before
Chambers of the Sun and the Moon - after

Evening presentation of the new plant Led

New LED light - Evening presentation - entrance
New LED light - Evening presentation - Chamber of the Giants
New LED light - Evening presentation - Hall of the Horses
New LED light - Evening presentation - Chamber of Cupid and Psyche
New LED light - Evening presentation - Chamber of Cupid and Psyche
New LED light - Evening presentation - Chamber of Stuccoes